Girivalam is one of the best event that occurs on every full moon day in a month! you can find girivalam dates 2019 here… A monthly ritual, a token of devotion working a stage in spiritual developments. The illumination of the entire disc of moon, is a monthly feature devotees drawn from different parts of the land visit the temple and phallic symbol placed in the sanctum sanctorum, and the mother Goddess ‘UMA’ and dextrally move in a circle in large numbers keeping the hill as the centre covering in a complete round a distance of nearly fifteen kilometers.


Monthly Girivalam dates and timings 2019:

Date Day Start Timing End Timing
20/1/2019 Sunday 20 Jan, 01:52 PM 21 Jan, 11:41 AM
19/2/2019 Tuesday 19 Feb, 00:50 AM 19 Feb, 10:05 PM
20/3/2019 wednesday 20 Mar, 10:03 AM 21 Mar, 07:41 AM
18/4/2019 Thursday 18 Apr, 07:11 PM 19 Apr, 05:20 PM
17/5/2019 Friday 17 May, 04:26 AM 18 May, 03:24 AM
16/6/2019 Sunday 16 Jun, 02:57 PM 17 Jun, 02:49 PM
15/7/2019 Monday 15 July, 02:43 AM 16 July, 03:34 AM
14/8/2019 Wednesday 14 Aug, 04:35 PM 15 Aug, 06:16 PM
13/9/2019 Friday 13 Sep, 08:19 AM 14 Sep, 10:19 AM
13/10/2019 Sunday 12 Oct, 01:25 AM 13 Oct, 03:11 AM
11/11/2019 Monday 11 Nov, 07:09 PM 12 Nov, 08:13 PM
11/12/2019 Wednesday 11 Dec, 11:40 AM 12 Dec, 11:39 AM

* Note : we take atmost care of providing valid data.. However, we are not responsible for any discrepancies!

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